What to do with extra space in house

Transforming extra space in house into a cozy reading nook
  Reading time 7 minutes

In many homes, finding yourself with extra space can be both a blessing and a riddle. Whether you’ve downsized your belongings, your kids have moved out, or you’ve recently renovated, the question of what to do with extra spaces arises. This article explores the numerous and diverse ways you can transform these unused areas into functional components of your home life. From creating serene retreats to entertainment centers, the possibilities are as diverse as our needs and imaginations. Here is a guide to inspire homeowners to get the most out of every nook and cranny of their living spaces.

Assessing Your Space and Identifying Opportunities

Embarking on the journey to redefine extra space within your home starts with assessment. Take a good look at the spare rooms, empty corners, or even larger areas like under-utilized attics or garages. One thing that might not immediately come to mind is how these extra spaces could also work harder for you. Resident creatives might find their muse in a previously cluttered corner, while those looking to get fit could consider transforming a vacant spot into a mini home gym. Whatever your need, consider how your extra space can serve you, not just exist beside you.

Creating a home gym in the unused space in the house

Creative and Practical Uses for Additional Space in Your Home

Carving out areas for stillness and creativity can help your home feel larger and more personal. Imagine an art studio where the walls are as expressive as the canvases, or a meditation space that feels more like a sanctuary than a room. These spots not only provide seclusion but also add to the overall sense of peace within your home.

Family and Entertainment Enhancements

The living room isn’t the only place for relaxation and entertainment. Spare bedrooms could all be redesigned to become great places for gaming, watching movies, or just having fun. These spaces could turn out to be the most appreciated rooms in the house.

Organizational and Functional Transformations

With remote work becoming more common, considering adding a home office can be a practical use of an extra room. Even a smaller house can accommodate a productive space via a smaller desk and clever storage options. Unused spaces above garages are often perfect for this transformation.

Fitness and Health Prioritization

An extra room can readily transform into a personal gym or yoga space without the need for a larger living area. Depending on your workout needs, even a small segment of a room can house equipment or a yoga mat. Contact with nature might not be possible for everyone, but you can always create a wellness corner that brings the outdoors in, with plenty of green plants and natural light.

Utilizing extra space in house for a functional home office

Generating Income or Accommodating Others

Transforming extra bedrooms into guest rooms or rental spaces is another great way to utilize space effectively. This additional living area will also come in handy for holiday visitors or when you have friends and family staying over. Spare rooms designed as guest bedrooms can be decorated to maximize comfort and provide a touch of luxury that guests will appreciate.

Less Conventional Ideas for Your Extra Space

There are great ideas for every home when it comes to filling empty spaces. Do you have a penchant for greenery? Why not create an indoor herb garden that could be both useful and pleasing aesthetically? Small kitchens might benefit from adding additional storage or even a kitchen table if space allows. Creative ways to fill these spaces abound, ensuring that every square foot of your home celebrates your personal style.


When it comes down to extra space in your house, it’s all about making the unused areas work for you. Whether it’s by providing additional storage or creating comfortable seating areas, there’s always an opportunity to make those spaces more functional and inviting. Remember that effectively using your available space not only helps with organizing your life but also with maximizing the joy and utility you get from your home. So consider all the suggestions, get creative, and start transforming those empty spaces into the most enjoyed places in your home.

Designing a stylish play area in the unused space in the house


  • Q1: How do I determine the best use for my extra home space?
  • A1: Consider your lifestyle, interests, and needs. Think about what is lacking in your current setup—do you need more storage, a quiet area to relax, or a spot to engage in hobbies? Assess the potential for improvement in your daily routine and choose a function that would bring the greatest benefit to you and your family.
  • Q2: Can converting extra space into something specific like a gym increase my home’s value?
  • A2: This can depend on the real estate market and buyer interest. Generally, adding functional spaces like a home gym, office, or guest room can be appealing and potentially increase your home’s value. However, it’s essential to ensure that conversions are tastefully done and offer flexibility for future homeowners.
  • Q3: What are some budget-friendly ways to utilize extra space at home?
  • A3: Consider repurposing furniture, using multipurpose items, and incorporating DIY projects. For example, turning an area into a cozy reading spot might only require a comfortable chair, shelving, and good lighting—all of which can be cost-effective or even secondhand finds.
  • Q4: How can I ensure the new space remains versatile for future needs?
  • A4: Use furniture and designs that are adaptable or mobile. Instead of built-ins, opt for modular shelving units or foldable furnishings. Keep the decor neutral and multifunctional to allow for easy changes in use down the line.
  • Q5: What if my extra space is very small?
  • A5: Even small areas can have big potential. For instance, under-stair spaces can become storage areas, compact corners can house a mini office, and vertical space can be leveraged with wall-mounted shelves or hanging plants. Think creatively about how to maximize even the tiniest spots in your home.